Monday, April 23, 2018

The Capitalistic Homo-Sapien: master of one trade but Jack of none.

Is excessive demand for specialization by capitalistic economies denying us the right to be complete homo-sapiens? Does it encourage being extremely functional in a single domain of knowledge and hold in contempt any aspect of human life that involves trying to make him a jack of all trades and master of none? 

Are we over-emphasizing the achievement in one-life time, what would have been possible by several generations, if the homo-sapien were to enjoy and nurture his talents in multiple fields which every one of them is indeed capable of?

Friday, April 6, 2018

Human Extinction Fueled by Uncontrolled Capitalism

Vertical Wipe Out

Scramble Competition - an ecology concept, in my view could be applied to humans as well where top 1% richest own 50% of total wealth => control over 50% of all human-usable resources on earth. With such huge inequalities, rest of the 99% suffer, which might lead to the lack of access to "chances of life" and lack of employment, academic inflation => inability to marry at the right age etc. This can affect overall fertility of the populations of the countries. Can also affect ability of 99% population to have access to quality-life, thereby weakening the 99% genetic pool physically and psychologically and thereby, in the long run, wipe out the traces particular genetic make-ups - community wise or kinship-wise or race-wise, one by one, thereby reducing overall genetic diversity and thus making entire human race epidemic prone. This could lead to extinction of human race. So relating "uncontrolled" capitalism fueled extinction of human race is not so difficult to see.

Lateral Wipe Out

While "Scramble Competition" explains how humans could go extinct with one group aggressively competing with another group of the same generation for a hold over natural resources, over-exploitation of resources by the present generation so much so that nothing is left for the future generations is what I call as lateral wipe out. Brundtland Commission was appointed by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) in 1983 coined the term "Sustainable Development" to draw attention to this very problem.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


  • Merit - have we taken out humanity while following the flawed, mechanical notion of merit all these centuries? Can Big Data and Artificial Intelligence help add more parameters to define "Effective Merit" to take in to consideration, the more practical aspects and subjectivity of each individual's own socio-economic, geographical, biological and cultural factors?
  • AI Future. Not future AI.
  • Uncontrolled Capitalism fueled Human extinction
  • 3000 AD, as I see it
  • Roasting half Marx, full Darwin, a pinch of Adam Smith and garnishing with AI
  • ISRO and DRDO: the myths and the realities
  • Feedback the Surveys of Employment and the Education
  • Education, to each his own.
  • Cooking Patriarchy
  • The Farmer Fugazi
  • Research Soulsearch
  • The Unsustainable Happiness
  • Civilized within ethnicity and Barbaric across
  • Politician, AI.
  • Left, Right, Vanilla, Strawberry
  • Homo-Hierarchicus, Homo-Universalis
  • Child of the State
  • Barbaric, Constitution, Statue!
  • Beauty lies in the eyes of prosperity
  • Whose Truth?
  • How much do the politics affect out lives in reality?
  • Rich are usually Right but are the Right always pro-Rich?

Saturday, March 10, 2018

My first ever digital painting

Center should perhaps stop teaching "NITI" to the states, after 70 years of Independence.

First Past the Post (FPTP) system, or the features such as "being federal with unitary bias", All India Services or the system of indirect democracy were all the Band Aids put over India that was lacerated by two centuries of colonial rule - with the fear lest those wounds should turn septic, lest the unstable governments weaken the ailing country further and lest the small provinces of India should fall apart without a strong center. But may be after 70 years of self rule, it's time to open those Band Aids and look for how much the wounds have healed, how strong, independent and competitive the states have become, who may no more need hand holding from the peevish, senile, doddering Big Daddies sitting in New Delhi, and may be it's time to let the states who have come of age, figure out the world on their own. May be it's time the center stops teaching "NITI" to these grown up states and let them dab the canvas with their own creativity and uniqueness. 

Anti-Satellite Missiles make us weak as a Planet

What happens within atmosphere should remain within atmosphere. When we have a whole atmosphere to war in, why take the fight to space? It ...